Welcome to the life we share at St. Peter’s. We hope you gain a glimpse of who we are in visiting this website. As we worship God and follow the call of Jesus to love and serve our neighbors, we invite you to join us. The Rev. Thomas Mousin, our rector extends his greetings in this video.
St. Peter’s meets in person for our weekly mass at 9:00 AM. The service is also live streamed on our Facebook page. See other opportunities for worship on the Worship page of this website.
Our Facebook page can be found here.
Key Notes is our weekly email newsletter. You can subscribe by sending an email requesting to be added to the mailing list to to stpeters.tmousin@gmail.com
You can find recent editions of Key Notes here.
To all who are lonely and in need of friendship…
To all who mourn and are in need of comfort…
To all who love God and want to praise him…
To all who need prayer and want someone to pray with them…
To all who sin and long to know their Savior…
Saint Peter’s Church opens wide its door and hearts and welcomes you in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.
We are part of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, which consists of more than 10,000 people in 58 churches and ministries across the state.
Learn more about those ministries, including Camp Bishopswood, here.
You can now give to St. Peter’s online through the Episcopal Diocese of Maine. In giving this way, 100% of your offering will be sent to St. Peter’s. Click on the Donate button to make your offering. You can make a one-time or recurring gift.
Thank you in advance for your offering.
678 Washington Ave
Portland ME 04103
Church phone: 207-775-1179
Mailing Address: 10 Alton Street, Portland ME 04103
O God our creator, who guides our parish with abundant faith, love and strength, grant us courage and wisdom to follow you in our journey into the future together. Calm our fears and stir our imaginations. Open our hearts and minds to new possibilities to be your people in this changing world.
In your Holy Name, Amen.
©2020 – 2025 – St. Peter’s Episcopal Church | A member of The Episcopal Diocese of Maine, The Episcopal Church, and the Worldwide Anglican Communion